All good things...

All good things...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dayton's Legs

Hello Bloggers! If you didn't watch the link, go watch it. Right now. And have a box of tissues handy because you will cry.

Isn't this story amazing? This boy was 13 years old, and he sought out a friendship in an boy who could not talk, could not walk, but was just as much as boy as anyone else. And this 13 year old boy had the maturity to see and understand that this boy needed a friend just as much as any other boy. Not only did he befriend him, but he got him involved in a sport. They completed a triathlon together. Spencer pulled Dayton in a raft for the swimming section. He pulled him on his bike. And he pushed him across the finish line. He was Dayton's legs. Can you imagine the joy that Dayton felt for not only being able to accomplish such a feat, but to have such a loving friend who refused to leave him behind. This story is truly inspirational. So I ask ya'll...whose legs are you today? Are you helping someone in need? Reaching out to those who have fallen? Are you seeing the light of Christ in those around you and trying to reflect that same joy and love? If not, try. I find this story so touching because I find no greater joy than working with children who have disabilities. I really believe that these children are perfect. They may have physical disabilities, but when you look them in the eye, you can see their personalities. You can see that there is a child and a soul in there who is so sweet, and who just wants to be accepted. I am a staunch believer that everyone is equal and that every soul deserves to be treated with kindness and unquestioning love. So this story about Dayton really touched my heart. If only there were more people in this world who were willing to reach out and help those, no matter how different they may seem. So let's all try to be a little better and help someone in the world today.

Lesson #7: Love yourself and you will be able to love those around you.

So always remember....

All good things...come to those who LOVE.

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