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Me and Devin |
Hello dearest bloggers! I have decided to rejoin your ranks. Gird your loins. Some things have changed since my last blog (which I decided to scrap completely because rereading my old blog posts made me want to cry. Time to put the summer behind me), so pay attention!
I am now dating someone! Yay! His name is Devin. If I talk about him often, it's just because he makes me happy. And I love him. But here's the thing. He is serving a 2 year mission for our church in Buenos Aires, Argentina. So he currently is in a different hemisphere from me. But I am here. Waiting patiently. I am so proud of him. He is working hard and changing people's lives. Though some days are hard, I will never complain. Because he is doing amazing things for people. So in the meantime, I have to keep myself busy! Which isn't hard since I am taking anatomy. This class isn't a class...it's a lifestyle. Or maybe that is because I am not good at anything science related, so I always have to work twice as hard. Italian is going well as well and can be time consuming but according to gradebook, I am kicking butt. So not really worried about Italian. Hey, I have to be good at something. I also moved apartments. I love my roommates. They are my favorite pretty much. We have the best conversations. Let me give you the breakdown of them (mostly because I know that they will read this. We like to stalk each other).
Melissa: Smartest person I have ever met. Seriously. She is also educating me in the fine art of country music, because my boyfriend loves country. And I know nothing. And I am from Georgia. Fail. Wonder how long it will take her to connect that I am from Georgia and STILL country illiterate. It really is a disgrace. She and Chanel like to banter like an old married couple. Which always provides copious amounts of entertainment. Also, I can always win Melissa's heart and forgiveness through my baked goods.
Chanel: Sweetest girl ever. We all have different boys in mind that we want to set her up with because she is just too sweet to end up with anyone. We tend to disregard the fact that she has a boyfriend. Technicalities. She and I volunteer at the MTC together and have way too much fun torturing those poor missionaries. Reason why I like Chanel: she is sweet, but sassy. Not to mention extremely goofy. And you have to protect your butt when she is behind you. She tends to grab it.
Sam: Soon to be married! Her fiance is super sweet and frequents our apartment often on weekends. I can also hear them conversing through the walls, so I feel like he is with us often (don't worry Sam, I turn on my music so I don't intrude). Sam is adorable. I know she is secretly more stressed about wedding planning than she wants to let on. But on bad nights, a batch of cookies and a chick flick fixes all of our problems. Tonight we made a paper chain to countdown for her wedding. 100 days today! So exciting! Couldn't be happier for her. Seriously.
So there is just a lot of love in our apartment. We banter, make scenes in church, laugh at each other, laugh with each other, and talk about the most randoms things (sometimes Melissa even uses diagrams to emphasize a point), but we are a little apartment family. So grateful to have moved into this apartment.
Also, I am back to running! Leave it to me to hurt my knee on my second run. But whatever. I am icing and heating it. And I bought a brace to run with. Nothing is going to deter me from running again. We decided as a family to run Race for the Cure again in May. So I need to be in 5k shape. Which shouldn't be hard since I am really training for a half marathon (hopefully for this summer!). My goal is to have run a marathon before Devin comes home. Because then I have an actual time frame that I have to finish by. And then when he comes home, I am going to make him run races with me. Yeah. We are going to be THAT couple. But I can't wait.
Life is good. Lesson #1: Be happy. Trials and hardships will always come our way. But always remember, that one day, you will be able to look back and say, "I survived". Never give up.
Always remember....
All good things...come to those who ENDURE.
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