All good things...

All good things...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Settled Soul Mate"

Hello Bloggers! Wow. All I have to say. Look at this article that came out in BYU's Daily Universe. Go ahead. Read it. I am sure it will make you laugh. I promise. 

See? He is FOCUSED!! Distraction my butt!
Ok, did you read it? It's hilarious. Though some spots rustle my feathers a little bit, others perfectly describe this situation. Here is the true deal about waiting: it sucks. But I am a stubborn pain in the butt. And, my mother raised me better than to wait for a missionary. Imagine my shame when I had to tell her that Devin was going on a mission. She handled it quite well actually. She did not disown me or lecture me like I had expected. Instead, when she came to visit in November, she was surprisingly supportive. We laughed ourselves silly over a Thanksgiving package for him. We drove around the temple for 33 minutes while my brother and sister waited to give him a letter. It was fun and entertaining. And yeah, I am waiting, but I find it a relief. Living on the south side of campus can be like living in a jungle full of marriage hungry boys. It's nice to have an excuse to escape the jungle. My mother also told me not to get married until I was older and ready. Having a missionary is a guarantee to not get married before I graduate. It's a win win situation! I get to put the stress of a relationship on hold and just study and kick butt in school. I am quite a fan of this arrangement. Minus the whole, missing him terribly part. But you win some, you lose some right? Besides, I can never be too miserable. Not when I have stuff to do in my life!

Now there are different kinds of waiting. I am one of the valiant. Determined not to date anyone else while he is gone. However, if I were to be asked out, I would probably go. Because my biggest beef is how dumb boys are about dating! They don't know how!! So if one finally gets up the guts to ask me out, I don't want to ruin a good thing. This situation has not happened yet, so I am not sure how I will react. I'll keep you posted bloggers! My favorite part about this article was when one boy, while waiting for his girlfriend to finish her mission, decided to date another girl on and off. After spending considerable time with her and her family, and admitting that sometimes he thought she was "the one", he eventually told her that she was just his "settling soul mate". Ouch. Settling soul mate? What kind of a douche tells a girl she is just a settling soul mate? If I were that sister missionary, I would be so cheesed that my boyfriend was off dating other girls seriously enough to meet her family and talk about getting married. Seriously. I would dump his sorry butt and focus on my mission. But I have high expectations of relationships and the words "commitment" and "waiting". 

The other thing that is ridiculously annoying is how judgmental people are! Trust me, me more than anyone is embarrassed to admit that I have a missionary. I have become one of "those" girls and it kills me a bit inside. But he is worth it. Wouldn't be waiting if he weren't. But I hate when people just assume that girlfriend equals distraction. Excuse me. Have you ever written a letter to a missionary? Has your best friend gone off on a mission? Well mine did. Is it so ridiculous to think that MAYBE, just maybe, I write him as my best friend? Because that's what he is. I already struggle with expressing my feelings, people! Devin will never cease to stop teasing me about how I never hugged him last year. I am just not a touchy/emotional person! So what on earth makes you think that my letters are like that? I try really hard to include one paragraph telling him I love him etc., etc., but it's usually at the end (because I tend to forget haha). My letters consist of me complaining about school, Utah, and updating him on my mundane life. I have threatened him. If I ever at any point think I am a distraction, I will stop writing him and we can talk in 2 years (actually, 16 months, but who is counting?). He actually makes it a point to tell me that he is working hard and trying to make me proud. Which is how it should be!! I won't judge your relationship, if you don't judge mine. Fair?

So bloggers, the point of this blog is that sometimes Mormon boys say weird things, and the whole waiting culture is such an interesting phenomenon. Just saying. Rolltide.

So always remember bloggers...

All good things come to those who FILTER THEIR THOUGHTS.

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